Student Test Proctoring Request Form

Out-of-state students and students living more than 45 miles from an MCO partner must obtain OCC approval to test at an off-site location.

  1. Obtain prior approval from your instructor to test off-site.
  2. You are responsible for locating an acceptable proctoring location.
Acceptable proctoring sites are:
  • College and university testing centers
  • Public library testing centers
  • Professional testing centers
  • Military education officers, commanding officers, and military education centers
  1. Complete and submit this form at least 10 working days prior to the time the exam is to be administered.
  2. You and your instructor will receive email notification when the proctoring site has been approved.
  3. Your instructor will send the test and any needed materials/instructions to the proctoring site.
  4. You are responsible for any costs charged by the proctoring site.

Log in using your MyOCC user name and password. If you do not know your user name or password, please use the links provided below.

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