Robotics/Automated Systems Technology - Programmable Controllers (ROB.PCT.CA)

Program Outcomes

Program outcomes represent broad areas of knowledge and skills developed over the duration of the program through a wide range of courses and experiences. These learning outcomes represent what a student should be able to know, think, or do upon successful completion of their program at Oakland Community College.

  • Students will program the logic structures for an automated system to correctly execute the application.
  • Students will format and program the data elements Human Machine Interface (HMI) of an automated system application.
  • Students will identify the connections between ideas and concepts

Program Plan 2024-2025

Full Time - Fall Start

**Students should meet with an OCC counselor before attempting this plan of study**

Year 1 - Fall

Courses    Credits
ROB 2040 Programmable Controller Applications 4
CIS 1300 Networking Concepts 4

Year 1 - Winter 

Courses    Credits
ROB 2140 Advanced Programmable Controllers Applications 4
                                                                                                                                              TOTAL CREDITS  12