Get Financial Aid for Summer Classes

Finish Your Degree Faster

If you want to attend summer classes at OCC, It’s virtually certain you’ll qualify for financial aid to help pay for them.

To qualify for most summer aid, you must have filed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. If you filed a FAFSA for the preceding fall and winter semesters, you may be covered for summer.

The following types of aid are available:

  • If you qualified for a Federal Pell Grant for fall and winter semesters, you will likely qualify for the summer semester. The only additional requirement is you must take courses in your degree program.
  • The Summer Momentum Scholarship pays your tuition for up to six credit hours and your student support fee. To apply, you must qualify for in-district tuition and have taken at least 16 credit hours between the fall and winter semesters with a 2.0 cumulative GPA or better.
  • You can apply for federal student loans or work-study to help cover your summer expenses. To be eligible, you must take at least six credit hours in the summer semesters and fill out the Summer Request for Financial Aid found on MyOCC. The deadline to apply is June 30.

Based on your financial circumstances and enrollment status, you may only qualify for unsubsidized federal student loans. But they usually offer lower interest rates and better repayment terms than private loans, so they’re worth considering.