The following procedures have been adopted in order to implement the Board of Trustee’s
Policy regarding Threats and Violence in the work environment at Oakland Community
A. Duty to Notify
- All Oakland Community College personnel are responsible for notifying their supervisor,
Human Resources representative and/or Public Safety of any threats which they have
witnessed, received, or has been told that another person has witnessed or received.
Even without an actual threat, personnel should also report any behavior they have
witnessed which they regard as threatening or violent, when that behavior is job related
or might be carried out on a College controlled site, or is connected to College employment,
or College services or facilities.
- Employees are responsible for making this report regardless of the relationship between
the individual who initiated the threat or threatening behavior and the person or
persons who were threatened or were the focus of the threatening behavior.
B. Investigation of Threats and Violent Incident
- Any employee, student, or others who feel subjected to any threatening behavior should
immediately report the incident to any supervisor, Human Resources representative
or Public Safety officer. Employees should directly contact Public Safety if they
believe there is an immediate threat to the safety and health of others. Any supervisor
to whom any threatening behavior is reported must contact a Human Resources representative
and Public Safety immediately.
- All incidents will be immediately investigated by the Human Resources representative
in conjunction with Public Safety and, when appropriate, designated campus representative.
The Human Resources representative will evaluate the situation and coordinate the
investigation. If warranted, disciplinary action will be taken against the offender.
- The Human Resources representative will formulate a plan to investigate a complaint
based upon the information available and respond accordingly.
- The Human Resources representative in conjunction with Public Safety will investigate
and gather as much information quickly, discretely and as confidentially as possible
with an emphasis upon documentation and concentrating on the actual behaviors and
feelings of the individuals directly involved, as opposed to any perceived behaviors
or feelings.
- The Human Resources representative will get assistance from the Human Resources Department,
the Employee Assistance Program, legal counsel, Public Safety, designated campus representative
and outside personnel such as police and fire departments if necessary.
- If it appears that there may be a serious concern of danger to the employee, student,
or others, the Human Resources representative will establish priorities and assemble
a crisis team. The crisis team may include, but is not limited to, representatives
from the Human Resources Department, Public Safety Department, appropriate Union group,
Employee Assistance Program and legal counsel.
- If necessary, the Human Resources representative in conjunction with Public Safety
will summon outside help and initiate an emergency exit plan.
- The Human Resources representative and the crisis team, if assembled, will determine
what steps need to be taken.
- The Human Resources representative will arrange a meeting with the employee, student,
or others, Public Safety, Union representative and the crisis team, if assembled.
If the individual calms down, the Human Resources representative will suggest a plan
to avoid future confrontation, such as counseling, transfer, leave of absence, participation
in the Employee Assistance Program, etc. The Human Resources representative and Public
Safety will establish a plan to stay in touch and monitor behavior improvements or
progress of the plan. If the employee fails to participate in the plan, further disciplinary
action may be taken.
- If warranted, the Human Resources representative in conjunction with Public Safety
will contact a specialist and have the employee psychologically evaluated before any
further steps are taken or any plan decided.
- If threats are made, either express or implied, during the meeting, or at any other
time, by the offender against others not in attendance, those not in attendance who
have been threatened and their supervisor will be contacted. The Human Resources representative
and Public Safety will meet with them, advise them of the situation, and give them
a plan of action.
- All details of all meetings will be kept confidential on a need to know basis.
- If warranted, disciplinary action may be taken against the offender. Disciplinary
action may include, but is not limited to, student suspension or dismissal, suspension
and/or termination of any business relationship, reassignment of job duties, suspension
or termination of employment, arrest and prosecution. Failure to follow a plan of
action will subject the offender to disciplinary action.
- This procedure does not preclude the Human Resources representative, supervisor, or
Public Safety from taking prompt and immediate action to prevent an immediate or severe
threat from being carried out, a violent act from occurring or a life threatening
situation from developing.
- Any employee, student, or others who feel he/she may be a threat to others or may
need help must contact a Human Resources representative, his/her supervisor, Union
representative, Public Safety, or Employee Assistance Program representative immediately.
- Any employee, student, or others who applies for or obtains a protective or restraining
order which lists College locations as being protected areas, must provide to the
Human Resources Department and Public Safety a copy of the petition, declarations
used to seek the order, a copy of any temporary protective or restraining order, and
a copy of any protective or restraining order which is made permanent. Oakland Community
College understand the sensitivity of the
information requested and respects the privacy of the reporting employee(s). All information
will be kept confidential on a need to know basis.
C. Corrective Action
- At the meeting (refer to B-9 above) with the employee, student, or others, Human Resources
representative, Public Safety, Union representative and crisis team, if assembled,
will devise a plan to avoid future confrontations, such as counseling, transfer, leave
of absence, enrollment in an employee assisted program, etc.
- The Human Resources representative in conjunction with Public Safety will set time
limits and make appointments to monitor the progress of the employee or student.
- The Human Resources representative will follow-up periodically to see that the plan
is being followed and make sure the situation is under control. The employee is required
to contact the Human Resources representative, Supervisor, and/or Public Safety if
any new situations develop requiring additional input.
- If necessary, the Human Resources representative will offer emergency leave, financial
assistance, legal and medical referrals, EAP assistance, medical assistance, union
intervention, police, courts, child welfare, family, friends, relatives, and any other
appropriate intervention.
- Failure to follow a plan of action will subject the employee, student or others to
disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include but is not limited to, student
suspension or dismissal, suspension and/or termination of any business relationship,
reassignment of job duties, suspension or termination of employment, arrest, and prosecution.
Change Log
- 09-16-1996 Initial Approval
- 04-28-2020 Reviewed; no change