OCC Course Formats

OCC offers flexible course options to help you succeed. As you register for courses, you will notice various course formats, including in-person, online, and more. To choose the best course type for you, consider the flexibility of your schedule and how you prefer to learn and interact with instructors and classmates. 

Although courses are continuously being added in different formats, not all courses are available in all formats. As you develop your plan of study with your  OCC Counselor, you may need to take a variety of course types. 

The use of a computer webcam, microphone, and other technology may be required to complete the outcomes of certain course formats. 

Someday Starts Today for Joel Lewis II

“Having the flexibility to take online and in-person classes really fits my situation. I’m able to balance substitute teaching, coaching Special Olympics basketball and taking classes at OCC without the specter of life-crushing student loan debt hanging over my head. “ Read Joel's Story
Joel Lewis

Explore Online testing at OCC

If you are taking online courses, they will include exams, quizzes, and tests. Testing requirements will vary from course to course.  Learn about all of OCC's online testing options and locations

OCC's course format offerings: 


This course type is best for you if you prefer face to face interaction and live instruction in a traditional classroom setting.

  • Search for Sections Code: INP
  • Class Meetings: in-person on campus location at set dates and times
  • Testing: in-person on campus
  • Online Readiness Course required? No 


This course format is best for you if you are self-directed and able to work independently without live instruction. 

  • Search for Sections Code: ONL
  • Class Meetings: none – work at your own pace while meeting set deadlines
  • Testing: Online
  • Online Readiness Course required? Yes

Online Course with in-person Testing

This course format is best for you if you are self-directed, able to work independently without live instruction, and can travel in- person on campus or at an instructor-approved testing location.

  • Search for Sections Code: ONLT
  • Class Meetings: none – work at your own pace while meeting set deadlines
  • Testing: in-person on campus or at an instructor-approved testing location

Online Live Course

This course format is best for you if you prefer live instruction but do not want to travel to campus for class. You may have to travel to campus for testing. 

  • Search for Sections Code: ONLL
  • Class Meetings: Online (Zoom) at set dates and times
  • Testing: On-campus proctored exams or labs may be required 
  • Online Readiness Course required? Yes


This course format is best for you if you enjoy the flexibility of online classes but also want some live instruction in a classroom setting. 

  • Search for Sections Code: HYB
  • Class Meetings: Combinations of online and in-person at set dates and times 
  • Testing: On-campus proctored exams or labs may be required
  • Online Readiness Course required? Yes

Flexible Live

This course format is best for you if you would like the flexibility to choose how you would like to attend class in-person or virtually.

  • Search for Sections Code: FLXL
  • Class Meetings: Virtually or in-person at set dates and times
  • Testing: On-campus proctored exams or labs may be required
  • Online Readiness Course required? Yes 

Flexible Online

This course format is best for you if would like the flexibility on when/how you meet for class instruction. You can decide between meeting at a set day/time in-person or virtually (Zoom) , or online with no set day/time.

  • Sections Code: FLXO
  • Class Meetings: Virtually or in-person at set dates and times or online
  • Testing: On-campus proctored exams or labs may be required
  • Online Readiness Course required? Yes


Online Student

Where do I find Course Formats When I Register? 

  • Visit OCC’s Search for Sections page. 
  • In the Instructional Method column the course format is listed 
  • In the Meeting Information column you will see the course format code  

Get Registered Before Winter Break!

Counselors are available for Drop-In in-person sessions Dec. 16 - 20 at Auburn Hills, Royal Oak and Southfield offices.

Join a waitlist

Contact a Counselor

Counseling phone number: (248) 341-2270

Service Hours (by appointment only)

  • Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (Onsite & Virtual Services)
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm (Onsite & Virtual Services) 
    • 5:00 - 7:00pm (Virtual)
  • Wednesdays counselors are available for same day drop-in sessionsJoin a waitlist.
  • Saturday (see dates below): 8:30am - 12:30pm (Virtual Services Only)
    • First two Saturdays in January & September
    • Entire months of July, August & December


Auburn Hills Campus
2nd Floor B Building
Email a Counselor @ Auburn Hills
Fax (248) 232-4355

Highland Lakes Campus
2nd Floor of Woodland Hall
Email a Counselor @ Highland Lakes
Fax: (248) 942-3055

Orchard Ridge Campus
1st Floor of M Building
Email a Counselor @ Orchard Ridge
Fax: (248) 522-3696

Royal Oak Campus 
1st Floor of B Building
Email a Counselor @ Royal Oak
Fax: (248) 246-2455

Southfield Campus
2nd Floor of A Building
Email a Counselor @ Southfield 
Fax: (248) 233-2740