Leadership, Supervisory & Technical Skills
OCC’s Economic and Workforce Development team offers a variety of specialized training classes and workshops on Leadership, Supervisory and Technical Skills.
Please review the comprehensive list of classes for this subject area below and schedule training.
Additional class subjects are available on our main course catalog page.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, we encourage you to contact us. We can customize training based on your needs to give you more flexible options.
- Art and Science of Evaluating Programs
- Building Collaborative Relationships with Your Peers
- Building Strong Teams
- Business Ethics Skills
- Business Succession Planning
- Certified Executive Coaching for Current and Next-Level Succession Planning
- Coaching for the Supervisor
- Coaching to Bring Out the Best in Others
- Communication Strategies
- Communication: Oral, Written and Email
- Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management
- Contract Management
- Creation of Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map
- Creative Problem-Solving and Decision Making
- Crises Management
- Developing Corporate Behavior
- Developing New Managers
- Effective Appraisal of Employee Performance
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Oral and Written Communication
- Effective Written Communication and Email
- Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
- Employee Recruitment
- Enterprise Architecture
- Expectations Executive Level
- Finance for the Non-Financial Leader
- High Performance Teams (Non-Remote)
- High Performance Teams (Remote)
- Human Dynamics of Change and Transition
- Information Technology Executive and Managerial Skills
- Integrated Business Planning
- Knowledge Management and Succession Planning
- Leadership and Executive Coaching
- Leadership and Influence
- Leadership and Self-Deception
- Leadership Architecture
- Leadership, Executive Coaching and Strategy
- Leading and Coaching a High Performance Organization
- Manager Management
- Managing Change without Pain
- Managing in Difficult and Challenging Times
- Managing the Human Dynamics of Change and Transition
- Masterful Leadership and Motivation
- Powerful Negotiation Skills
- Setting and Achieving Metrics and Milestones
- Speaking, Image, Crisis
- Talent Management
- Technical Leadership: Business, Strategic, and Operational Value
- Think Tank (primary and secondary research, white papers)
- Thriving on Change
- Top Management RENEWAL: Vision, Mission, Values, Guiding Principles Technical Teambuilding and Technical Leadership Development Using DISC Methodology
- Women in Leadership
- Basics of People Learning
- Be an Effective Manager/Supervisor
- Building Collaborative Relationships with your Peers
- Building a Constructive Relationship with Your Manager
- Building Better Working Relationships
- Building High-Performing Teams
- Clarifying Team Roles and Responsibilities
- Civility in the Workplace
- Coaching for a High-Performance Team
- Coaching for Optimal Performance
- Coaching for Performance
- Coaching for the Supervisor
- Coaching Skills for the IT Professionals
- Coaching to Bring Out the Best in Others
- Coaching: Bringing Out the Best in Others
- Coaching with GROW
- Collaborative Relationships
- Communication — Oral, Written and Email
- Communication Strategies
- Conflict Management and Coaching
- Conflict Resolutions and Crisis Management
- Controlling Chaos and Thriving Under Pressure
- Dealing with Emotional Behavior
- Delegating Skills for the Workplace
- DiSC Profile
- Effective Oral and Written Communication
- Effective Problem Solving
- Effective Team Facilitation
- Effective Written Communication and Email
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
- Enterprise Architecture
- Entrepreneurial Spirit — Operational Ownership
- Establishing Performance Expectations
- Finance for the Non-Financial Leader
- Frontline Leadership
- Fundamentals for Production: Front-Line Leader Tool Set
- Gaining Commitment to Preset Goals
- Getting Your Ideas Across
- Giving and Accepting Feedback
- Identifying Work Priorities and Setting Goals
- Integrated Risk Management
- Leadership for IT Professionals
- Leading Others Through Change
- Leadership Skills for Everyone
- Maintaining a Positive and Productive Attitude
- Making the Transition from Co-Worker to Team Leader
- Managing by Metrics
- Managing Change
- Managing for Superior Results: The Fundamentals of Supervision
- Managing in Difficult and Challenging Times
- Managing Individual Performance
- Masterful Leadership and Motivation
- Motivation and Employee Management
- Multi-Generational Teamwork
- Performance Management
- Personal Productivity
- Principles of Supervision and Leadership
- Proactive Listening
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Recruitment and Interviewing Techniques for Managers
- Resolving Team Conflicts
- Setting and Achieving Metrics and Milestones
- Taking Corrective Action
- Teambuilding
- Technical Leadership: Business, Strategic and Operational Value
- Time Management
- Unacceptable Employee Behavior
- Understanding Yourself as a Leader
- Internet Marketing
- Media and Public Relations
- Social Media Marketing
- Internet Marketing
- Marketing Basics
- Marketing the IT Organization Internally
- Active Listening Skills
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Budgets and Financial Support
- Building a Constructive Relationship with Your Manager
- Building Collaborative Relationships with Your Peers
- Building High-Performing Teams
- Building Strong Teams
- Business Ethics Skills
- Business Requirements Management
- Business Writing for Managers
- Clarifying Team Roles and Responsibilities
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Coaching for a High Performance
- Coaching for First-line Supervisors
- Coaching for Optimal Performance
- Coaching for Performance
- Coaching for the Supervisor
- Coaching Salespeople
- Coaching Skills for the IT Professionals
- Coaching: Bringing Out the Best in Others
- Collaborative Relationships
- Communicating to Collaborate
- Communication for First-Line Supervisors
- Communication Strategies
- Communication: Oral, Written and Email
- Conducting Annual Employee Review
- Conflict Management
- Conflict Management and Coaching
- Conflict Management Workshop
- Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management
- Constructive Criticism and Discipline Skills for Managers
- Contract Management
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Influencing Positive Change in You
- Creative Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
- Crises Management
- Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Delivering Constructive Criticism
- Delivering Training with Impact
- Designing and Delivering High-Impact Training
- Designing Performance-Based Instruction
- Developing Creativity
- Developing New Managers
- Effective Appraisal of Employee Performance
- Effective Communication and Feedback Skills
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Oral and Written Communication
- Effective Problem Solving
- Effective Team Facilitation
- Effective Written Communication and Email
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
- Employee Motivation
- Employee Recognition
- Employee Recruitment
- Employee Termination Processes
- Employment Interviewing
- Finance for the Non-Financial Leader
- Fostering Accountability in Self and Others
- Front-line Leadership
- Fundamentals for Production: Front-line Leader Tool Set
- Gaining Commitment to Preset Goals
- Generation Gaps
- Generations in the Workplace
- Getting Your Ideas Across
- Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
- Health and Wellness at Work
- High Performance Teams (Non-Remote)
- High Performance Teams (Remote)
- Identifying Training Needs
- Improving Supervisor Effectiveness
- Improving Team Effectiveness
- Influencing Others to Achieve Results
- Influencing Others: Managing Expectations and Outcomes for IT Professionals
- Information Technology Executive and Managerial Skills
- Integrated Risk Management
- Interview Techniques: “The Fact Finding Mission”
- Kepner-Tregoe Decision Making: Structured Problem Solving Techniques
- Knowledge Management
- Leadership and Executive Coaching
- Leadership and Influence
- Leadership and Self-Deception
- Leadership Architecture
- Leadership for First-Line Supervisors
- Leadership for IT Professionals
- Leadership, Executive Coaching and Strategy
- Legal Matters for Supervisors
- Maintaining a Positive and Proactive Attitude
- Making the Transition from Co-Worker to Team Leader
- Management and Succession Planning
- Manager Management
- Managing by Metrics
- Managing Change
- Managing Change without Pain
- Managing for Superior Results I: The Fundamentals of Supervision
- Managing in Difficult and Challenging Times
- Managing Individual Performance
- Managing Remote Workers
- Managing Supplier Partnerships
- Managing the Human Dynamics of Change and Transition
- Managing with Metrics
- Market Analysis
- Masterful Leadership and Motivation
- Middle Managers
- Motivating Your Sales Team
- Motivation and Employee Management
- Multi-Generational Teamwork
- Negotiating Skills
- Networking Within the Company
- Office Politics for Managers
- Operations Management
- Performance Management
- Personal Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence
- Powerful Negotiation Skills
- Powerful Presentations
- Practical Time and Workload Management
- Principles of Supervision and Leadership
- Principles of Workflow Management
- Proactive Listening
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Recruitment and Interviewing Techniques for Managers
- Resolving Team Conflicts
- Safety in the Workplace
- Self-Leadership
- Servant Leadership
- Setting of Annual and Quarterly Goal and Action Plans
- Speaking, Image, Crisis
- Strategic Facilitation
- Strategic Leadership for Emerging Leaders
- Strategically Managing the Training Function
- Stress Management
- Supervising Others
- Team Building for Chemistry
- Team Building for Managers
- Team Delegation Skills for the Workplace
- Teambuilding
- Teambuilding Adventure Challenge
- Team-Oriented Problem Solving: Eight Disciplines Workshop
- Teamwork and Team Building
- Technical Leadership for Architects
- Technical Leadership: Business, Strategic, and Operational Value
- The Art and Science of Evaluating Programs
- Time Management
- TSP Coach Training
- Using Positive Influencing Skills in the Workplace
- Value Stream Mapping Walkthrough Project
- Virtual Team Building and Management
- Women in Leadership
- Workplace Diversity
- Workplace Harassment
- Workplace Violence