Workplace Skills
OCC’s Economic and Workforce Development team offers a variety of specialized training classes and workshops on Workplace Skills.
Please review the comprehensive list of classes for this subject area below and schedule training.
Additional class subjects are available on our main course catalog page.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, we encourage you to contact us. We can customize training based on your needs to give you more flexible options.
- Administrative Office Procedures
- Administrative Support Skills
- Archiving and Records Management
- Basic Bookkeeping Skills
- Effective Meetings
- Event Planning
- Meeting Management
- Meeting Techniques
- Networking Within the Company
- Organizational Skills
- Proposal and Report Writing
- Agile for Business Analysts
- Certified Scrum Developer (CSD)
- Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
- Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
- Implementing an Agile Project
- Leading SAFe (SA)
- Managing SW Projects Using Scrum
- Managing the Agile Product Development Life Cycle
- Planning and Managing Agile Projects
- Professional Scrum Developer (PSD)
- Professional Scrum Foundations (PSF)
- Professional Scrum Master (PSM)
- Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO)
- SAFe Product Owner (SPMPO)
- SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) Training and Certification Course
- Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution
- Building a Constructive Relationship with Your Manager
- Building Collaborative Relationships with Your Peers
- Business Acumen
- Civility in the Workplace
- Conflict Management
- Conflict Management Workshop
- Conquering Stress and Anxiety through Mind/Body Awareness
- Creative Problem-Solving and Decision Making
- Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving
- Cultural Competency
- Customer Satisfaction: Excellence in Dealing with Emotional Behavior
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Developing Corporate Behavior
- Digital Citizenship
- Diversity Awareness Workshop
- Effective Problem Solving
- Emotional Intelligence
- Entrepreneurial Spirit: Operational Ownership Establishing Performance
- Five Star Customer Service Excellence
- Front-line Leadership
- Fundamentals for Production: Front-line Leader Tool Set
- Generation Gaps
- Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
- Improving Mindfulness
- Maintaining a Positive and Proactive Attitude
- Managing Skills for Non-Managers
- Managing Workplace Anxiety
- Managing Your Career for Short and Long Term
- Networking Within the Company
- Operational Ownership
- Organizational Skills
- Personal Effectiveness Through Emotional Intelligence
- Personal Productivity
- Powerful Presentations
- Practical Time and Workload Management
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Public Speaking
- Safety in the Workplace
- Self-Leadership
- Social Intelligence
- Stress Management
- Telephone Etiquette
- Telephone Skills for Superior Customer Satisfaction
- Thriving in a Time of Change: Tools for Working in a Changing Organization
- Thriving on Change
- Time and Stress Management Workshop
- Universal Safety Practices
- Women in Leadership
- Workplace Diversity
- Workplace Harassment
- Workplace Violence
- Agile Database Design Techniques
- Collaborative Data Modeling Using ER/Studio and Repository
- Collaborative Data Modeling Using ERwin R9.x
- Data Domains Master Data Management
- Foundations of Data Modeling and Design using ERwin R9.x
- Introduction to Data Modeling
- Introduction to Data Modeling and Design Using Embarcadero ER/Studio
- Introduction to Master Data Management Design
- Gathering and Documenting Requirements with Use Cases
- Introduction to UML
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML
- Domain Analysis and Design using UML UML, OO, Java and RUP Fundamentals
- RUP Overview
- Use Case Workshop
- Body Language Skills
- Conflict Management Workshop
- Conquering Stress and Anxiety through Mind/Body Awareness
- Continuous Improvement for Superior Results
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Influencing Positive Change in You
- Creative Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
- Creative Techniques for the Classroom
- Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving
- Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
- Integrated Business Planning
- Job Search Skills
- Managing Projects On-Time, On-Budget
- Managing Your Career for Short and Long Term
- Personal Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence
- Practical Time and Workload Management
- Telephone Etiquette
- The Art and Science of Evaluating Programs
- Time and Stress Management Workshop
- Using Social Media
- Active Listening Skills
- Anger Management Skills
- Assertiveness and Self-Confidence
- Conquering Stress and Anxiety through Mind/Body Awareness
- Consulting Skills Refresher Sessions
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Influencing Positive Change in You
- Crises Management
- Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving
- Developing Creativity
- Entrepreneurship
- Facilitation Skills for IT Professionals: JAD and Business Requirements
- Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
- Improving Mindfulness
- Increasing Self-Awareness
- Increasing Your Happiness
- Leadership and Influence
- Life Coaching Essentials
- Managing Personal Finances
- Managing Workplace Anxiety
- Managing Your Career for Short and Long Term
- Networking Outside of the Company
- Networking Within the Company
- Personal Productivity
- Self-Leadership
- Social Intelligence
- Stress Management
- Telephone Etiquette
- Time and Stress Management Workshop
- Using Social Media
- Women in Leadership
- Introduction to SOA and Web Services
- Understanding SOA: A Technical Overview
- SOA Overview for Non-Technical Managers
- SOA Architecture and Design Principles
- Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture (SOMA)
- SOA Analysis
- Facebook Strategies and Tactics for Business Success
- Google Search Strategies and Tactics for Business Success
- Internet Marketing
- LinkedIn Strategies and Tactics for Business Success
- mLearning
- Social Learning
- Social Media Marketing
- Social Networking Strategies and Tactics for Business Success
- Twitter Strategies and Tactics for Business Success
- Using Social Media
- Writing for the Web and Mobile Devices
- Writing Strategies for the Web
- 10 Soft Skills You Need
- Active Listening Skills
- Anger Management Skills
- Assertiveness and Self-Confidence
- Body Language Basic Skills
- Business Etiquette
- Conflict Resolution
- Creative Problem Solving
- Crises Management
- Emotional Intelligence
- Improving Mindfulness
- Increasing Self-Awareness
- Interpersonal Skills
- Personal Productivity
- Practical Time and Workload Management
- Seeing and Taking Initiative
- Social Intelligence
- Stress Management
- Teamwork and Team Building
- Telephone Etiquette
- Time Management
- Work-Life Balance
- Advanced Business Writing
- Advanced Workshop for Technical Writers
- Business Writing
- Business Writing for Impact and Influence
- Business Writing for Managers
- Collaborative Business Writing
- Conducting a Successful User Needs Analysis
- Documenting Business and Technical Requirements
- Practical English Grammar Skills
- Proofreading and Editing
- Proposal and Report Writing
- Proposals with the Competitive Edge
- Technical and Legal Writing
- Technical Writing: Concise and Precise Language, Tone and Format
- User Guides That Get Used
- Writing Effective Briefing Notes
- Writing for the Web and Mobile Devices
- Writing Strategies for the Web
- Writing Technical Descriptions, Requirements and Procedures
- Writing Technical Information Effectively
- Applied Project: UX A-Z with Real Deliverables
- Design Thinking for Mobile Innovation
- Mobile Usability Testing
- Mobile User Research
- UI/UX Interaction Design Intensive
- UI/UX Mobile Design Foundational: Fast Track
- Usability Testing: Desktop (social/web/web app)
- User Research: Desktop (Social/Web/Web app)
- UX Webinars: Special Topics in UX UI/UX Foundational: Fast Track