High School CTE Credit
Earn College Credit in High School
Oakland Community College offers a variety of unique programs that allow high school students to take college courses while completing their high school diploma.

Oakland Community College offers a variety of unique programs that allow high school students to take college courses while completing their high school diploma.
Dual enrollment allows high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school by taking courses with Oakland Community College (OCC). These college credits can be transferred to colleges and universities across the state and country. For most students, dual enrollment is free! Learn more about Dual Enrollment.
Articulation of credit allows students to earn college credit in their high school CTE courses. This means that students can earn OCC credit by taking a course already offered as a part of their high school coursework! OCC has a number of agreements with area school districts. Learn more about CTE Articulate Credit.
Early College programs allow high school students to earn both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree (or up to 60 college credits) after their fifth year of high school at no cost to students or their families. Learn more about Early College.
Counseling phone number: (248) 341-2270
Auburn Hills Campus
2nd Floor B Building
Email a Counselor @ Auburn Hills
Fax (248) 232-4355
Highland Lakes Campus
2nd Floor of Woodland Hall
Email a Counselor @ Highland Lakes
Fax: (248) 942-3055
Orchard Ridge Campus
1st Floor of M Building
Email a Counselor @ Orchard Ridge
Fax: (248) 522-3696
Royal Oak Campus
1st Floor of B Building
Email a Counselor @ Royal Oak
Fax: (248) 246-2455
Southfield Campus
2nd Floor of A Building
Email a Counselor @ Southfield
Fax: (248) 233-2740