Mentor Information

Mentoring is an important process in the development and growth of an individual. The relationship between a person with expert knowledge in an area and a person who wants to learn from an expert is defined as mentoring (Moore et al., 2007). 

Peer Mentoring Defined 

  • Mentoring is a one-on-one relationship between an experienced student (mentor) and a new student (mentee).

The Peer Mentoring Program (PMP) comes from the premise that students are connected with a Mentor and will feel less isolated, thus enhancing academic and social success in their academic setting. Mentees will become familiar with campus resources, resulting in better academic performance and improving their likelihood of matriculation from entrance to graduation/transferability.

A Mentor is...

  • A knowledgeable and experienced guide who teaches (and learns) through a commitment to the mutual growth of both mentee and mentor.
  • A role model who exemplifies in word and deed what it means to be an ethical, responsible, and compassionate human being.
  • A trusted ally, or advocate, who works with (not for) the mentee and on behalf of the mentee’s best interest and goals.

What Makes a Good Mentor?

  • The dictionary defines a “mentor” as a wise or trusted adviser or guide (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). A mentor is not someone who knows everything, but rather someone who can advise a mentee and support them during their educational and career journey.
  • Mentorships have the power to positively impact the mentee’s academic and professional goals.
  • Mentoring can serve as a bridge to link expert knowledge and leadership practice to help foster a new generation of leadership in organizations. Some studies have shown a positive relationship between mentoring, retention, confidence, and professional and personal growth.